Cad architecture software for mac
Cad architecture software for mac

cad architecture software for mac
  1. #Cad architecture software for mac Pc#
  2. #Cad architecture software for mac series#
  3. #Cad architecture software for mac mac#
  4. #Cad architecture software for mac windows#

There will be other Apple Mac software released shortly.

cad architecture software for mac

Here is a list of CAD software for Apple Mac Plug-in applications that work with most CAD for Apple machines are rare but if you only need basic CAD functionality or generic modelling then CAD for Apple is perfectly ok.

cad architecture software for mac

These days there is a flood of new mid-range CAD software for the Apple machine. The double-click single button mouse of the Apple Mac of the past was probably responsible for this. Many traditional CAD for Apple products are not intuitive or efficient software, relying on huge numbers of icons and detailed dialogue boxes.

cad architecture software for mac

#Cad architecture software for mac windows#

Software developers of CAD software products have recognised the size and growth of the Apple market for their CAD software and have responded by developing CAD for Apple software either from the ground up or as a spin-off of their Windows based programs, and, it is now possible to run Windows effectively on an Apple at the same time as running the Apple OSX (Operating System) thus opening up the ability to use existing Windows based CAD software on the Apple machine.ĬAD programs for Apple have started out as simple and quite primitive 2D drafting tools like MiniCAD that later changed its name to Vectorworks, the most prolific CAD program in the Apple Mac arena that have carved several niche markets such as stage and exhibition design, landscape and basic architectural design. Two things have occurred quite recently in favour of taking Apple macs seriously for CAD demands.

#Cad architecture software for mac Pc#

In recent times the Apple Mac computer and the Windows PC are more similar than ever, even to the point of using the same Intel brand processors, and with the huge uptake of the Apple Mac computer in industry, more and more people have been asking for a serious CAD for Apple computers. They are also totally inaccurate and therefore cannot be relied upon when measuring or scaling. Bitmaps on the other hand simply end up with bigger dots when scaled up and jagged edges as the dots become more visible to the naked eye. Vectors can also be scaled up of down without compromising the appearance of the drawing or model. The advantage of Vectors over Bitmaps is that vectors accurately describe the world in 3D with dimensional precision. An arc is described as four points, one in the centre, two at either end and another at some point on the circumference. A straight line for instance is described as two end points in space and a definition in between those two points.

#Cad architecture software for mac series#

Vectors are a way of describing the world as a series of linear entities made from points in space defined by x,y,z coordinates. CAD design software on the other hand is mostly comprised of vector based information and the processors used in IBM style PC’s were particularly adept at handling vectors. They contain data such as hue color, light and saturation. Images are created as bitmaps and bitmaps are a series of dots that make up a photograph or two dimensional picture. The processors used in Apple machines were typically designed around handling large files that comprised mainly of image data. In the past CAD was very strong in the Unix and Windows PC environment, whilst Apple Mac computers have been relegated to handling the more graphical world of desk-top publishing and photo imaging. We touch on the pros and cons or choosing an Apple Mac for CAD and list CAD for Apple software currently available In this article we explore CAD software designed for the Apple Mac computer and its native operating systems as well as look at CAD for Apple that is not running MAC OS.

Cad architecture software for mac